Meet Algorius Net Viewer 10.3

We are glad to inform you about the release of Algorius Net Viewer 10.3.

This version features new capabilities added to the monitoring, notification, and inventory modules. The main innovation is the operative monitoring log and the possibilities it has made available.

The operative monitoring log

Now there is another type of monitoring log available in Algorius Net Viewer, and it is the operative one. The operative monitoring log is different from the main one in that it stores the obtained data in the RAM and not in the database.

The operative monitoring log was required to solve the following tasks:

Firstly, to identify situations when monitoring values are exceeded over prolonged periods of time. Now Algorius Net Viewer can analyze the equipment performance over a certain period, detect any abnormal situations, and notify the people in charge about them. For example, it can detect continuous CPU utilization over 90% within an hour. Or find out that the website has been running slowly within the last 15 minutes. It is possible to perform the analysis for any sensors provided by Algorius Net Viewer. This allows for checking the stability of the network infrastructure’s performance and for preventing any potential problems before they really occur.

As the data of the operative log is stored in the RAM in a structured fashion, it can be accessed practically instantly. This makes it possible to analyze the performance of thousands of devices in real time. And this is the main task solved by the operative monitoring log.

Secondly, the operative monitoring log has made it possible to display monitoring charts in the device hint window. The charts are updated dynamically, displaying current data in real time.

Chart of operative monitoring log in Algorius Net Viewer 10.3
Chart of operative monitoring log in Algorius Net Viewer 10.3

The storage duration for entries in the operative log can be entered in the 'log keeping settings' and is specified in hours. You can disable keeping of the operative log if you do not need it.

The storage duration for entries in the operative log can be entered in the log keeping settings and is specified in hours. You can disable keeping of the operative log if you do not need it.

The new scanning plugin — Files

The new scanning plugin, Files makes it possible to determine the number of files in a catalogue, their size, and the speed of reading. The search is performed in the specified catalogue, inclusive of any subcatalogues. The files can be filtered by name and by modification date.

File scan in Algorius Net Viewer 10.3
File scan in Algorius Net Viewer 10.3

Counting the number of files in a catalogue, with filtering by mask and by modification date, makes it possible, for example, to check if any backups have been performed on time.

Counting the total size of files allows for monitoring the size of a resource.

Measuring the speed of reading allows for controlling the speed of accessing the resource.

In order to use the 'Files' plugin, you have to add and configure the scanning method based on the plugin. Then, specify the path to the required catalogue or to a certain file on the map in the device settings, in the 'Address' field, and assign the created scanning method for the device.

We recommend that you use the 'Folder' device type for the catalogues to be graphically displayed on the network map.

Other innovations

A few new possibilities have been added into the module intended for working with the maps and the inventory module. You can find information about them in the full list of innovations that is available at the following link:

You can read the description of the main new features of:

Previous version 10.1 | Next version 11.0