New solutions in Algorius Net Viewer 4.0 to facilitate the work of system administrators

We are happy to tell you about new features of Algorius Net Viewer 4.0 to facilitate the work of system administrators.

Connecting Devices

Connecting devices functionality was significantly revised in the current version.

Previously you had to draw a line to connect devices with each other. When the devices were replaced, you usually had to edit the lines between them manually. After adding new device you had to “spread” old lines etc. It took a lot of time.

Let’s take an example of ten PCs and a switch. Now you need just to select them, right-click a switch and select `Connect devices`. All PCs will automatically become connected to a switch with accurate lines:

New devices can be connected to a switch in the same manner. Old lines will move automatically to add new lines in an accurate manner.

If you move the devices then all connected lines are moved also steadily, minimizing the number of crossings and calculating the optimal entry points.

If you want to edit a line, you can add interim nodes and set them to desired place.

If you need to connect a device to another switch, you need just to change the line end to another switch.

Of course you already have some ready maps. You should treat the old lines as follows: right-click them and select `Connect devices`. The quickest way is to select all object on a map by `Edit->Select all` (Ctrl+A), right-click any line and select `Connect devices`.


Now when all the devices are connected with each other, list of all connected devices is shown when you point a mouse over device. Just drag a mouse over a switch and you will see the connected devices. “Any of connected” and “All connected” scanning methods use this list. Now there is no need to define the connected devices by line coordinates and application works faster.

You can not only check which devices are connected to a switch, but also which ports they are using:

Ports list can be specified in device description. You can describe all ports in a switch. You can define ports on each side of a line between PC and switch. After that you can drag a mouse over a switch and see which device uses which port.

We didn’t introduce such port attributes as its speed or “burnt down”. It is much easier to set a speed in switch description once than in tens of ports. And “burnt down” can be added to port name. Switch description can be enriched with links to manufacturer website, update webpage etc. This links will be active on point over device.


Such devices as routers may have several interfaces (addresses). Usually users want to see their activity on a map around other devices. Device of Node type could be used for that before. You had to locate it manually on a map. Usually it was placed above the line, incoming into interface.

Now you can specify address and scanning method in port settings. After that port will be automatically displayed next to a device right above the line, connected with this port. Green/Red indication shows the interface status (active/inactive):

Such ports are the complete devices: they are involved in the monitoring, you can execute external commands for them, assign notification, view reports, etc.


'IP-Addresses' and 'Summary Statistic' reports were added in this version.

IP-addresses report shows the list of various IP-V4 addresses on 1 or several maps and the devices, corresponding to these IPs. Corresponding MAC-address is also shown. Free ranges of IP-addresses are also shown. Thus you can find free IP easily.

Summary statistic report shows the statistical information for each device.

You can generate this reports for a group of selected devices or all devices on one or several maps.

You can read the description of the main new features of:

Next version 4.1