Notification about network events

Algorius Net Viewer — is a notification by Telegram, Email, SMS, etc. Stay informed about any unforeseen errors and potential problems of network devices.

Prompt notification

Algorius Net Viewer provides prompt notification of any events, errors, or potential problems on computers, servers, and other network devices. This makes it possible to control the situation and to enhance the quality of network infrastructure servicing.

Prompt notification

Advance notification

The application can notify you of potential problems: for example, when the equipment is overheated, you are running out of disk space, or your website is overloaded. This allows for identifying problems before they really emerge, and ensuring trouble-free operation.

Advance notification

Additional notification

The application will additionally notify you of long equipment downtimes. For example, if any of the servers has been down for more than an hour. This makes it possible to take organizational decisions in order to eliminate or minimize losses.

Additional notification

Notification methods

Visual, audial, textual, and SMS notification is available via telephone, modem, Telegram, Email, etc. You can set the recipients for different types of events, specify what they must be informed of, via which channels, and at what time.

Notification methods

Event animation

Warnings, errors and alarms can be animated on the network map. Additionally, the monitoring results can be displayed. This makes it possible to see crucial moments in the operation of the network infrastructure immediately.

Event animation

Notification with external facilities

Algorius Net Viewer allows for notification through the use of external utilities. In this case, the necessary parameters are inserted automatically with the aid of macros. This makes it possible to expand the opportunities of notification for your needs.

Notification with external facilities

Flexible customization of notification

Notification can be configured either for a particular device or for a group of devices, depending on their type, location, scanning method, etc. Separation of actions and events facilitates the configuration process as well. For example, you can configure a "Notify Administration" action once, and then assign it to different events.

Flexible customization of notification