Report generation
Reports provide objective information for analyzing the network infrastructure’s functioning. There are reports available on the monitoring log, work hours, inventarization, summary statistics, information on devices, maps, etc.

Monitoring chart
Charts present monitoring results in graphical form. The minimum, mean and maximum values, and the equipment downtime duration are displayed. This allows for seeing the crucial moments and assessing their severity.

Summary statistics
A summary statistics report displays complex data for evaluating the quality of the network infrastructure’s operation. Monitoring values, packet losses, uptime, and severity are presented in numerical and percentage terms.

Inventarization reports
Inventarization reports display detailed information on one device or summary information on a group of devices. Detailed information on the component parts, performance analysis, log of changes, etc. are available.

Exporting and printing
Provisions are made for exporting and printing reports in formats such as Word, Excel, PDF, CSV, XML. This allows for using the data for further processing and analysis or creating presentations.