Computer network schema editor
Algorius Net Viewer is a computer network schema editor. It can be used to display the network infrastructure of server rooms, computer classrooms, trade and office centers, city districts, and other locations in an illustrative manner.

Computer network navigation maps
The computer network schema is displayed on one or multiple maps. The maps make it possible to instantly see the entire network and its status, to get quick access to network administration, and to simplify navigation significantly.

Building a computer network map
The network discovery wizard will help you find devices in the network and add them to the map. A variety of methods for finding the devices (ARP, Ping, Netbios, TCP, UDP, SNMP, WMI) make it possible to find virtually all devices and obtain information about them.

Collection of devices
A collection of more than 160 devices in vector graphics format (SVG) is supplied with the application. You can expand the collection with your own devices in SVG, JPG, PNG, GIF formats in order to create more accurate schemas.

Device description
The following information can be specified for the devices: description, image, contact information, place of location, owner, etc. Hyperlinks and email addresses are recognized automatically. This provides quick access to necessary information.

Device connections
The devices can be connected with one another. The connections are displayed as lines on the map. The ports and interfaces they are connected through are displayed above the lines. Red/green indicators show their status.

Layers allow for object grouping. Each map can contain a unique hierarchical structure of layers. There is a list of its objects displayed below each layer, which simplifies map editing and navigation to the devices.

OpenStreetMap support
OpenStreetMap geographical maps can be used in the schemas as a base layer. This allows for positioning the devices with georeferencing and for clearly seeing their geographical location.

Exporting / importing Visio
Algorius Net Viewer makes it possible to export a computer network map into a Visio document, as well as to create a computer network map based on a Visio document. This is convenient for creating presentations and for exchanging maps with third parties.