Algorius Net Viewer Manual | Configuring Sections

Inventory section are set up separately for the application and for each server. Local inventory sections are available for local inventory cards. For cards downloaded from a server, server-based inventory sections are used.

To configure inventory sections, select InventoryConfigure Sections from the main window menu. The Inventory Sections window will appear:

Depending on the type of map or inventory card currently opened (local or server-downloaded), the system will display either the in-app or server-based inventory sections. Access to inventory section settings is also provided on the toolbar of the inventory card editor.

All inventory cards are stored in a database. See Database section for more information.

Information in inventory cards is stored in a structured form. All elements in the cards are divided into sections; for example, monitors, printers, processors, etc. For each element, various attributes – for example, serial number or date of purchase – are indicated.

Physically, each section is a separate table in the database. For example, the ANV_INVENTORY_PRINTER table stores information about printers. Each item is physically stored in a separate entry in this table. Say, for each printer, there is a separate entry in the ANV_INVENTORY_PRINTER table. Each attribute is stored in the corresponding column of this table. In this case, the name of the printer is stored in the NAME column, which has a string type.

The inventory section editor allows customizing the whole structure, namely add / delete / modify section, add / delete / modify attributes in sections, organize sections and attributes. The order of sections and attributes is taken into account in reports and the inventory card editor.

When adding / deleting / modifying a section, the corresponding table in the database is automatically created / deleted / modified.

When adding / deleting / modifying an attribute, the corresponding column in the database is automatically created / deleted / modified.

For each attribute, the type can be specified. The following types are available:

Boolean Logical value: yes or no.
Integer 32-bit integer values from –2147483648 to +2147483648.
Big integer 62-bit integer values from –9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775808.
Decimal number 32-bit decimal numbers.
Date Date (without time).
Date and time Date and time.
File link A link to the file.
Folder link A link to the folder.
String Text value.

The name of the table, column, and column type in the database is displayed when editing the section and attribute.

The type can be set to an attribute only at creation, since changing the type will require changing the type of column in the database, and this operation is not always possible if the table already contains data.

It is forbidden to delete and change the structure for the pre-defined sections and attributes (supplied with the application) in the database, because these sections are designed to store information collected automatically.

For automatically collected attributes, the setting Allow edit is available. If editing is allowed, then the attribute value can be changed in the element editor. At the same time, if its value is already received or set, then its value will not change during the subsequent scanning. This mode is useful, for example, for serial numbers, which in some cases are incorrectly embedded for equipment – for example, only zeros. In this case, the value will be collected automatically once, and will not be changed during re-scanning, but will be available for manual edit. By default, this mode is turned off so that the actual information is always displayed after collecting.