Algorius Net Viewer Manual | Configuring Actions

General Information

Algorius Net Viewer's functionality allows for various types of notifications: visual, acoustic, and text-based, sent via phone texts (SMS), email, Telegram, etc. The software allows to set and customize notification actions for each method.

The action settings are available in notification settings, in the Actions tab.

You can assign a name to each action, set additional parameters, and specify trigger events.

The following macros are allowed for text messages. All macros will be substituted with their corresponding values when executed.

%ACTION% Action name
%EVENT% Event name
%MAP% Device map name
%TYPE% Device type
%ADDRESS% Device address
%NAME% Device name
%DESCRIPTION% Device description
%SENSOR% Sensor name
%IP% Device IP address
%MAC% Device MAC address
%STATE% Device state (active/inactive)
%VALUE% Value of the last scan run on the device
%DURATION% State duration
%SEVERITY% Event severity type
%TIME% Local time
%COMPUTER% Local PC name
%USER% Current OS user name

After specifying the parameters, it is recommended that you test the action by pressing the Test button.

Send E-Mail

This action is used to send email notifications.

To use this action, you need to have provided access to an email account. See Configuring Mail Server for more information.

The following parameters are available:

  • E-Mail server — an email account that will be used to send email notifications.
  • Recipients — a recipient(s) email addresses. It is also possible to add several email addresses separated by semicolons or commas. It is allowed to specify the full address in the format: User Name <>
  • Subject — (only for the action Send e-mail) — an email subject. Macros are supported.
  • Format — the message format: text or HTML.
  • Message — the message text. Macros are supported.
  • Attach network map image — if checked, the PNG network map image will be attached to email.

Add message to the event log

This action is used to add messages to Windows event log. The message is added to the log ApplicationsAlgorius Net Viewer.

The following parameters are available:

  • Message — the message text. Macros are supported.

Show message on the screen

This action is used to notify users by displaying on-screen messages, shown in a pop-up window. All messages displayed are presented as a list grouped by device. The system displays the number of messages that were sent to each device in the last hour and in the last 24 hours, which makes it easy to see whether the issue is singular or systemic in nature.

Following parameters are available:

  • Message — the message text. Macros are supported.
  • Hide after — closure time from event occurrence and from event resolution. E.g. you can automatically close message one minute after server returning to usual operation mode.

You can close the pop-up menu with messages. When doing so, the number of current messages is displayed in the status bar. Clicking on the messages button in the status bar will open the messages window again.

To clear all messages, click Clear All in the messages window. After that, the messages window will close, and the indicator showing the number of messages will be hidden.

Enabling Top Most mode in the header of the messages window will allow it to be displayed on top of all windows.

Animate on Map

This action makes it possible to notify users by using animation on the map. The animation is displayed above the device for which an event occurred and uses the following icons:


Play sound signal

This action is used to notify users via audio tones.

The following parameters are available:

  • Sound file — the sound file path.

Show message in the system tray

This action allows you to notify users by displaying a message in system tray.

The following parameters are available:

  • Message — the message text. Macros are supported.

Execute external command

This action allows you to notify users using external utilities, applications or services.

Following parameters are available:

  • File — the executable file path. Macros and Windows environment variables are supported.
  • Arguments — the executable file attributes. Macros and Windows environment variables are supported.

Execute Web request

This action allows you to notify users using external Web services.

The following parameters are available:

  • URI — URI to run the Web query. Macros are supported.
  • Method — method to run a query (GET or POST) according to HTTP specification.
  • Content Type — Content Type header according to HTTP specification.
  • POST data — data to send when running the Web query with POST method. Macros are supported.
  • Authorization — authorization method for the Web query according to HTTP specification.
  • Username/password/domain — authorization data for the Web query according to HTTP specification.

Send SMS

This action allows you to notify users by sending SMS messages via SMS modem.

The following parameters are available:

  • Modem Port — the name of the modem COM port. To find the assigned COM port, open Windows Device Manager. Go to Modem tab in modem settings and find the assigned COM-port there. You can also find Diagnostics tab in modem settings – we highly recommend to run modem diagnostics before using it with Algorius Net Viewer. In some cases, it helps to detect and prevent possible issues.
  • Phone number — phone number to send a message.
  • Message — the SMS text. Macros are supported
  • Mode — format to send SMS: PDU or text. PDU mode is recommended as it is newer and has its advantages over text, e.g. Unicode support. Text format is recommended only if modem or provider doesn’t support PDU.
  • SC No — SMS Service Center number. The number can be obtained from your network operator. Use only if the modem cannot send SMS without this number. In most cases the number is initially specified on the SIM card. In most cases, a modem or phone are able to substitute it automatically when sending SMS. In rare cases, the number must be specified explicitly.
  • Transliteration — when enabled, symbols of the national alphabet will be substituted by their English analogs. It solves encoding problem on some devices and increases the maximum message size of national SMS from 70 to 140 chars due to message transfer in ASCI encoding, not in UCS2.
  • Number of attempts — number of SMS sending attempts. Sometimes it is not possible to send SMS from a first try, e.g. in case of limited bandwidth or when provider has Flood-control implemented. In such cases messages will be sent repeatedly until successful attempt, but not more than specified number of times.
  • Pause between attempts — interval between SMS sending attempts.

Send Telegram message

This action is used to send Telegram messages. The notifications are sent by a Telegram bot, which is why, in order to use this action, you need to have created and set up your own bot. This can be done using BotFather, a dedicated Telegram bot-maker: Open BotFather via Telegram and follow the instructions: specify your bot's name and a unique designation — the system will generate and send you a token for activating your bot.

The following parameters are available:

  • Bot token — Telegram bot token. Enter the token and press Activate. The application will verify the token and activate the bot in Algorius Net Viewer.
  • Send to — Telegram user (contact), group or channel to which the message will be sent. For the message to be sent to a user, the user must first send a message (any message) to the bot, thus permitting it to send replies. To be able to send messages to a group, the bot must first be added to the group and must be given permission to send messages. If you want the bot to send messages to a Telegram channel, the bot must be assigned the role of a channel administrator. The Telegram Bot API keeps the list of new recipients for 24 hours. If you haven't selected a recipient by the time they were removed from the list, please go through the outlined steps again and then click Refresh.
  • Message — the message text. Macros are supported.

Send Discord message

This action allows you to notify users in Discord.

The following parameters are available:

  • WebHook URL — WebHook URL of a specific Discord channel to which messages will be sent. You can get it in the channel settings in Discord.
  • Sender name — the name of the message sender. Any name is allowed, for example, ANV (short for Algorius Net Viewer).
  • Message — the message text. Macros are supported.

Save report

This action is used to save event reports.

The following parameters are available:

  • Report — a report to be exported. See Reports for more information.
  • Format — file format to save the report.
  • File — the file the report will be saved to. You can use %MAP% macro to populate map name and macro to fetch the current date and time: %yyyy%, %MM%, %dd%, %HH%, %mm%, %ss%. Macro can be included into file name and file path. You can use it to group exported reports in the folders by date and by map name. Please find more details on datetime macro by: