Algorius Net Viewer Manual | Configuring Mail Server

You will need to specify the following parameters to configure a mail server:

  • SMTP Host Name — SMTP server address, e.g.,
  • Sender — sender’s name and email.
  • SMTP Port — outgoing mail server port. By default, it uses the standard SMTP port 587. Any port can be specified, such as, for instance, 465 (considered obsolete) or 25 (usually without encryption). The Reset button allows to revert to the default port number.
  • Authorization — authorization method of e-mail server: None — server doesn’t required authorization; By password — user name and password are required for authorization; Domain — user name password and domain are required for authorization; System (Kerberos) — the current OS user’s login will be used to authenticate on the mail server. This authentication method is usually used in networks with domain policy for corporate mail servers.
  • Username — email account username; often coincides with the sender’s email address.
  • Password — email account password.
  • Domain — domain name for authorization (needed for domain authorization method only).

After entering the requited parameters, it is recommended to test message sending by pressing the Send test message button.

Notes on using third-party mail services.

The Gmail service requires enabling less secure apps to make it possible to access the account via third-party applications: Make sure the ticked box is blue and you see the following message: Less secure apps are allowed.

With two-factor authentication is used, the apps' password is required for access:

Sometimes you will have to enable access to new applications: Generally, when sending messages from PCs that are in different time zones, but it is a rather rare occurrence.