Algorius Net Viewer 6.1 — even more user-friendly!
We are glad to inform you about the release of new Algorius Net Viewer 6.1 version.
Following our well-established tradition, x.1 versions are fully based on users’ feedback. We thank the users providing such a support and are always glad to receive your reviews, wishes and especially critics. Thus you make the product better!
New features in 6.1 version basically enhance current functionality and make the application operation even more convenient and user-friendly. The key novelty is the possibility to run as Windows service.
Notification window
Algorius Net Viewer can notify you about potential problems, stop, launch and downtime of the network equipment. There are various notification methods including screen popup window. Event notification window is fully reworked in this version.
Following enhancements have been done:
- Notifications for one device are grouped now. It removes lots of redundant windows, leaving most actual data only. Number of hourly/daily messages per devices is shown separately. When you point over these number you can see the details.
- Now you can close individual messages.
- Event date and time and elapsed time are shown.
- Notification settings now allow to specify message closure time both from event occurrence and from event resolution. E.g. you can automatically close message one minute after server returning to usual operation mode.
- Now you can switch 'Above All' display mode in notification window.

Response time chart
Response time chart now simultaneously shows minimal, average and maximum response time. Separate percentage scale shows downtime. Downtime chart shows the problematic time moments and makes it possible to evaluate their severity.

Run as a service
Ability to launch an application as Windows service has lots of advantages. Windows services start prior to user login and continue working when user session is ended. It enables constant monitoring, notifications, Web-access. Service doesn’t interact with Desktop and doesn’t require user to stay logged in. It increases system safety and in some cases is the mandatory security requirement..
We always try to implement the functionalities in the simplest and most convenient way: launch as a service is enabled by one checkbox in the settings on 'General' tab. After that all application settings are automatically sent to a service and it starts monitoring. Web-server (if enabled) is launched by service only, application then requests monitoring result from a service. All reports are also redirected to Web-interface in this case.
Notifications not requiring desktop interaction can be performed by the service. There is corresponding checkbox in notification action editor for that.
Due to security reasons service management requires application to be launched under administrative rights.
New devices
Following devices are added into standard collection: Thin client, Rack NAS, Retail scale, Receipt printer, Power strip, Multimedia speaker, Subtransmission tower:

Device collection is divided into several parts. Thus you can easily remove odd elements or add the new ones:

Search enhancement
Now you can search info not only in devices, but in line descriptions and text boxes also. Search is performed in closed maps only, if they are linked from open maps. Data search in closed maps is faster in this version.
Enhancements in map editor
Map editor is even more user-friendly in this version. Hints are shown in more convenient manner when you drag over the adjacent devices. Devices can be resized in any side. It is simpler to add devices and text fields on the map now. Now you can see where a device will be added. Now your work with the maps will be easier, faster and more pleasant.